12 articles
About bill paymentsA quick overview of paying bills with Bluechain
Pay by Bluechain on a Bluechain biller's websiteCheck out with Bluechain
Pay a request for paymentPay a request from a Bluechain biller or biller's website
Scan to PayUse Scan to Pay to pay bills in the Bluechain app from an email attachment or photo
Enter and pay any billPay any bill with Bluechain
Add a billerAdd a new biller to pay
Schedule a paymentSchedule for a future date
Redo a failed paymentWhen a payment fails
View your transactionsDisplay, search and share your recent transactions
Part-pay a billPay part of the due amount
Spend LimitsSpending is limited until proof of identity is supplied
If I pay an invoice on the weekend, when will the supplier receive the money?